Individual Session with Yogi and Meditator Mira Uniat

Welcome to the World of Inner Transformation!
Experience a personalized introspective journey with Mira Uniat, a renowned Yogi and Meditator. In this one-on-one session, Mira will provide insights into your specific inquiries, based on your existing energy and level of self-awareness. This session is ideal for those who are unable to commit to the 21-Day Inner Transformation Program. You can schedule sessions as frequently as you like. Please read more about Mira's methodology and tools before the session to be prepared. Each session is unique and will depend on your inquiry and progress. The goal is to help you broaden your perception of the issue and change the narrative in your mind, removing existing emotional charges. The session can combine all or some of the tools from Mira's methodology.
Session Details:
  • Duration: 90 minutes
  • Location: virtual or in-person
Examples of Inquiry:
  • Relationships & Family Issues (partners, family, friends, dating)
  • Grief and Loss
  • Physical Illnesses & Your Response
  • Anxiety, Stress, and Depression
  • Life Transitions (divorce, relocation, career shifts)
  • Work and Career Issues
  • Behavioral and Addiction Problems
  • Personal Growth and Development
  • Self-Esteem and Self-Confidence
  • Sexuality and Identity
Cost: $350
If you can't afford the mentioned amount, consider joining the BEC Ambassador Program, where you can contribute to our mission with your unique skills and talents.

Key Characteristics

Personalized Attention

Focuses solely on your issues, allowing for deep and thorough exploration.

Confidential and Safe Environment

Speak openly about your thoughts, feelings, and experiences in a private setting.

Customized Strategies

Receive tailored strategies and techniques to address your specific needs and objectives.

Goal Setting

Work with Mira to set realistic and achievable goals for personal development.

Progress Monitoring

Regular sessions for continuous monitoring and adjustment of strategies.

Skill Development

Learn new skills and coping mechanisms to manage stress, anxiety, depression, and other issues.

Feedback and Insight

Gain constructive feedback and insights into your behaviors, thought patterns, and emotions.

Ready for Inner Transformation?

Discover the art of falling in love with life and blossoming to your fullest potential.