BEC Ambassador Program

Welcome to the BEC Ambassador Program, designed to cultivate a movement of individuals passionate about self-awareness, and inner exploration. This program fosters a community of truth seekers who resonate with BEC's mission to help humanity blossom into its full potential.

Benefits for BEC Ambassadors:

Access to special discounts on all BEC programs

Opportunities for financial rewards

To qualify for a BEC Ambassador role, you must:

Resonate with the mission of BEC

Have completed or be enrolled in one of BEC's programs

Be willing to apply your talents and skills to support BEC's mission

Share your own experiences of participating in BEC programs through various avenues, including social media

As a BEC Ambassador we kindly ask you to do the following:

  • Post minimum two Stories and two Posts about the program you attended.

    These must be published on your Instagram, Facebook, and other social media accounts within the first month after the program.

  • Share one post about any other program and/or retreat.

    Please publish this no later than two months after the program.

  • Repost the announcement of the next BEC retreat in your stories.

  • If you need further guidance to correctly add mentions, please request a video tutorial from BEC student success team.

  • For those who are not active on social media, please let us know how you can help raise awareness about BEC’s mission and programs (for example, placing a banner at your office or any other way that is suitable for you).

Ready to join?

If you are interested in joining our community of seekers, please contact us below to book your initial interview. We look forward to learning more about your intentions and aspirations!
By participating in the BEC Ambassador Program, you agree to adhere to these terms and conditions and support the mission of BEC to the best of your abilities.